最好抢赢支付宝红包透视挂真的假的【导师】微信;2029803336 ✅ 携手永盈 ✅ 共创辉煌 ✅ 导师单带 ✅ 回血上岸 ✅ 万人推荐 ✅ 金牌团队 ✅ 顶尖计划 ✅ The number nine is the largest of the "yang" numbers. When two "nines" are read together, its pronunciation is similar to the Chinese word meaning long-lasting. Therefore, the Chongyang Festival is said to imply a healthy and long life. In 1989, the Chinese government made the ninth day of the ninth lunar month every year Seniors' Day by integrating the traditional customs into modern life to show respect, love and support for elderly people.